Installing a LEMP server with WordPress and Google Pagespeed
If you are looking to host a webserver and want a really reliable, stable platform that has excellent performance, a LEMP server using the latest flavor of Ubuntu – 14.04 along with Nginx and Google Pagespeed is hard to beat.…
Windows 10 Security concerns already
The story broke before the weekendย as reported among others by the Hacker News about Windows 10 Preview having a keylogger to spy on your activities. ย It seems that Microsoft may be taking its technical preview to the next level of…
Installing vSphere Update Manager 5.5 update 2 and configuration
Maintaining and deploying patches and updates throughout any environment can take a lot of heavy lifting by administrators. ย VMware environments need to be patched and updated along with other OS environments in any enterprise environment. ย While updates can be manually…
Install Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit EMET for better security
In this day and age of high profile exploits in the news involving businesses that we all know and use, digital security is more on the minds of everyone now than ever before. ย While there isn’t anything we as consumers…
Performance Tweaks VMware Workstation 10
For those of you who use VMware workstation 10 in running VMs on your desktop or laptop computer, you may have noticed that in certain situations or conditions things may get a bit sluggish when your workstation is under load…
Updating vCenter Server 5.5 to update 2
With the recent release of the Update 2 revision of vSphere 5.5, many admins may be looking to update their environments to this release level to have all the latest and greatest functionality in their VMware environment. ย Below we will…