Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.
  • Openstackdevstack03

    Install Devstack Openstack Ubuntu VM

    If you want to get your feet wet with Openstack, there is a great project available called Devstack which allows you to create a VM with an all in one installation of Openstack inside a virtual machine.  I decided to…

  • Webvault02

    Connect Vaultpress AWS EC2 instance

    For those that blog with WordPress and want to consider a good backup solution for their blog, there are a few options out there.  However, one that is pretty straightforward and seamless is Vaultpress.  It takes the heavy lifting out…

  • Virtualizationoverlap04

    Overlapping Subnets Lab Environment

    A while back I wrote up a post about creating an isolated test environment using the same ips and subnets with VMware.  This post was written from a layer 2 perspective with users who needed access gaining access to that…

  • home labmobile_lab03-1

    Nested VMware Mobile Home Lab

    I wanted to write up a post about the specifics of my nested VMware mobile home lab, which is running on a Dell Precision Workstation laptop M4800.  This post is particularly around the VMs that I have running and not…

  • vSphere 6h5vsphere08

    New HTML5 vSphere Web Client

    With the new host UI that is present with vSphere ESXi 6 update 2, it gives us a taste of what the HTML5 web client might look like.  But alas, we don’t have to wait!  With the new fling available…

  • Virtualizationchecklist03

    Storage Admin Weekly Checklist

    If part of your system administration tasks involve managing storage especially for virtualization host targets, there are several things that you should probably be doing on a weekly basis to make sure the environment is healthly.  The steps I outline…

  • Cool Stuffdata-978962_640

    Suddenlink offers unlimited data for small fee

    The rumors have been confirmed – Suddenlink offers unlimited data for small fee for existing customers.  New customers can actually take advantage of a free offer for unlimited data package for the first year. Suddenlink offers unlimited data After hearing…

  • Powershellaccountlockout01

    Use powershell see important account properties

    When it comes to querying Active Directory, there is no easier way to see information about user and computer objects than by using Powershell.  Powershell provides access to query on all the properties of the objects that you would like…

  • vSphere 6vrops_update11

    Upgrade VMware vRealize Operations Manager vROPs 6.2

    In rolling through quite a few upgrades recently, I wanted to posted some screenshots and process notes of upgrading vROPs 6.0.2 I had running in my environment to 6.2.  The process is fairly standardized with VMware’s appliances and for the…

  • Virtualizationlatency_lab01

    Simulate latency virtualization test lab

    One of the coolest parts of having a virtualization environment is that you can setup as many labs as you want or as many as you have the hardware resources for I might say.  As a current project setting up…