Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.
  • Proxmox05 the proxmox replication job is successfully created and enabled

    Proxmox Replication Configuration Beginners Guide

    Proxmox has some really great disaster recovery tools built into the solution, without any add-ons needed or licensing. For instance, it includes a replication feature that allows you to replicate VMs stored on local ZFS storage, to another target node,…

  • ProxmoxNo subscription repositories have been added to proxmox ve server 1

    Proxmox Subscription and Update Repositories Beginners Guide

    As we take a further look at Proxmox and get familiar with the platform, we want to take a look at licensing and subscription solutions. Proxmox is free and open-source software. However, there are options for businesses looking for a…

  • ProxmoxProxmox install summary screen

    Proxmox Install Beginners Guide

    Most IT admins are at least familiar with VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V in the enterprise. These have been staples in the enterprise data center for years now. Many are giving attention to KVM-based hypervisors like Proxmox due to the…

  • ComputersProxmox cluster home lab

    Proxmox Cluster for Home Lab: Do you need one?

    As you get into a home lab, running a virtualization host is the route most take to start experimenting with different technologies, and even using nested virtualization to test out hypervisors and other technologies. As you start self-hosting various services,…

  • VMwareJumbo frames configured on the vmkernel port

    Cannot connect to host VMware storage Migration

    In moving a lot of VMs around over the past couple of days trying to get my home lab resources situated so I could start consolidating down my server resources for the hot summer months, I ran into a problem…

  • home labShut down server due to heat

    Shut Down Server Due to Heat: Consolidating My Home Lab

    Here in the northern hemisphere, we are approaching the summer with rising temperatures and heat. In replying to a comment on a blog post for the Minisforum MS-01 and talking about summer temps and moving workloads to mini PCs, I…

  • ProxmoxTruenas on proxmox

    TrueNAS on Proxmox Installation and Configuration Steps

    Combining TrueNAS with Proxmox is a great way for many to access virtualized storage environments. These integrations combine TrueNAS’s reliable storage capabilities and Proxmox’s virtualization features. Both of these are hugely popular. Let’s take a look at running a TrueNAS…

  • ProxmoxProxmox disk passthrough configuration

    Proxmox Passthrough Disk Configuration Steps

    Many running Proxmox and self-hosting services will want to run TrueNAS on top of Proxmox. In doing this, a great way to ensure you have the best performance possible is passing physical HDD and SSDs through. Not only with solutions…

  • SecurityCommvault cloud cleanroom recovery

    New Commvault Cloud Cleanroom Recovery Introduced

    Commvault, a leader in the data protection space, has launched an innovative new cleanroom technology, Commvaultยฎ Cloud Cleanroomโ„ข Recovery. Commvault hopes to transform recovery processes in the hybrid cloud landscape. Let’s take a look at the details of this new…

  • ProxmoxProxmox packer template for ubuntu 24.04

    Proxmox Packer Template for Ubuntu 24.04

    I have been playing around with Packer and getting templates updated in the home lab. In moving more into Proxmox in the lab environment, I wanted to get similar templates in place as I have with VMware vSphere. Let’s look…