Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee is the Senior Writer, Engineer and owner at, and a 7-time VMware vExpert, with over two decades of experience in Information Technology. Having worked for numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as in various industries, He has extensive experience in various IT segments and is a strong advocate for open source technologies. Brandon holds many industry certifications, loves the outdoors and spending time with family. Also, he goes through the effort of testing and troubleshooting issues, so you don't have to.
  • Backup SoftwareVembu-BDR-Suite

    Vembu BDR Suite 3.9 New Features

    Vembu has recently announced the upcoming release of Vembu BDR Suite 3.9.  Vembu continues to innovate in their already very full-featured, all-inclusive backup product.  Vembu’s BDR Suite product covers data protection for all types of workloads including, physical, virtual, and…

  • home labAdvanced-VLAN-configuration-Netgear-XS708-T

    10 Gig Switch for Home Lab

    For quite a while now, I have been wanting to get the lab up to 10 gig connectivity especially for purposes of vMotion, vSAN, etc. Unfortunately, 10 gig ports are still relatively expensive although they have come down in recent…

  • WorkstationThe-BackupChain-installer-finishes

    Perform Live Backups of VMware Workstation Virtual Machines

    There are many products out there that support live backups of enterprise hypervisors such as VMware ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-V and others. However, you are hard pressed to find a product that is able to perform live backups of VMware…

  • SecurityIntel-Gold-Processor-most-likely-among-processors-affected-by-design-flaw

    New Intel Design Flaw is VMware Affected?

    Update 1.11.2018 – Script from William Lam to check VMs and Hosts/Clusters ***Update 1.9.2018 – VMware releases CPU microcode update as part of hypervisor-assisted guest remediation with VMware Security Advisory VMSA-2018-0004, new Hypervisor-Assisted Guest Mitigation for branch target injection (52085) ***Update 1.6.2018 with…

  • Backup SoftwareAdd-Existing-Hard-Drives-to-New-VM-with-lower-Hardware-Compatibility-Level

    Veeam Restore VM hardware version is not supported by destination host

    After shipping a Veeam backup to another site location and attempting to restore, I ran into an issue the other day with a Veeam restore due to different vSphere versions between sites.  In Site A we had updated to vSphere…

  • Backup SoftwareSpinbackup-provides-powerful-domain-audit-including-security-related-events

    Choosing the Best G Suite Backup Solution

    Most organizations today are either thinking about migrating applications and resources to the public cloud or their migration is already underway.  Many extremely powerful and cost-effective options exist for moving resources to the public cloud.  Google has been a major…

  • home labNew-NFR-offerings-include-Windows-and-Linux-agents-and-Office-365-backup

    Veeam NFR Licenses for Home Labs

    For most of us running home labs, having access to actual fully featured production software is a great way to increase skills and familiarize ourselves with software used in the industry.  Veeam has certainly taken great strides to empower those…

  • VMwareChanging-the-location-for-each-file-with-Storage-vMotion

    What is VMware Storage vMotion and How It Works

    One of many hypnotic appeals to leveraging virtual infrastructure is the ability to move workloads around without any downtime. This is certainly true with the VMware vMotion operation that hooked most of us on virtualization the first time we were…

  • VMwareRemove-the-secondary-NVMe-hard-drive-1

    Change Boot Drive to NVMe Storage Controller in VMware Workstation 14

    As with ESXi 6.5, VMware Workstation 14 has introduced support for the new NVMe storage controller. The new NVMe storage controller allows ones to take advantage of the ultra fast NVMe backed datastores afforded by today’s NVMe drives. If you…

  • Backup SoftwareVeeam-Backup-and-Replication-9.5-Update-3-install

    Veeam Backup and Replication 9.5 Update 3 Released New Features

    Just a couple of days ago Veeam announced the official release of Veeam Backup & Replicaton 9.5 Update 3 to everyone after giving it a few weeks with MSPs and other service providers. They are touting Update 3 as the…