Backup Software
NAKIVO Backup and Replication v9.1 Beta Released New Features
NAKIVO is ending out the month of October 2019 with another new Beta release and this release contains some really great features to add to the mix with the NAKIVO Backup & Replication solution that has had many improvements over…
Backup Software
Physical Server Backup and P2V with Vembu
There is still many use cases for various organizations to use physical servers in their environments. There may be hardware devices or other applications that require physical hardware to interface with. Performance of other applications may be so bleeding edge…
Upgrading NSX-T 2.4 to 2.5 Step-by-Step
With the release of NSX-T 2.5, I have been ready to get the upgrade on my current NSX-T environment. There are many great new features with NSX-T 2.5 that make it a very worthy upgrade from previous installations of NSX-T.…
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server Core 2019 Management Fundamentals
Windows Server Core has finally matured and transitioned into the primary operating system that you should deploy when thinking about deploying a Windows Server platform in your environment. The days of GUI are numbered, especially with the recent developments in…
vRealize Suite
vRealize Automation 8 Install and Configuration
VMware is doing great work to consolidate many of the new cloud-centric technologies and solutions with the on-premises versions and bringing these features and interfaces to a unified stance. The new vRealize Automation 8 is a great example of this…
VMware Network Virtualization Components and Products
Network virtualization has been described as a hypervisor for your network and that is exactly what it is in terms of what it actually does for the networking in your virtual environment. VMware network virtualization is arguably the industry leader…
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2019 Versions Comparison
Windows Server 2019 has quickly become the most powerful Windows Server operating system since its release with strong adoption across the board. I know I am using it heavily in my home lab as well as in production environments that…
vRealize Suite
VMware vRealize Automation 8 Released New Features
One of the big new releases coming out of VMware as of late is the release of vRealize Automation 8.0. This is a huge release with many new items to note with the new major release of the platform. VMware…
Windows Server 2019 VMware Snapshot Bug
I wanted to capture a few thoughts about an issue that has quickly received visibility today due to a late breaking article posted by The Register found here. This describes an issue that users are experiencing trying to take quiesced…
Learning Kubernetes with VMware Kubernetes Academy Online
There is no question that Kubernetes is a major focus of VMware as has been seen since the recent VMworld US 2019. We will no doubt hear more about that in VMworld Barcelona coming up soon. VMware has invested majorly…