Windows 10
Windows 10 v2004 recover deleted files with Windows File Recovery App
Have you ever deleted a file that you did not mean to delete? Are you like me and often use the SHIFT+DEL function to bypass deleting to the recycle bin? Without restoring from a backup or going back to restore…
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2019 Remote Desktop Services without Domain
What if you have a need for running Windows Server 2019 as a remote desktop services server but you are not running a domain? If your Windows Server 2019 server is in a workgroup in an edge environment possibly and…
vSphere 7
What is VMware vSphere 7 Assignable Hardware?
VMware has introduced some serious innovation with VMware vSphere 7 across the board. One of the new features that I think is extremely powerful that isn’t getting the same attention as some of the other fetaures is the new VMware…
vSphere 7
Apply New ESXi 7.0 updates with vSphere Lifecycle Manager vLCM
If you are like me you have been waiting for updates to be released for ESXi 7 so you could try out the vSphere Lifecycle Manager vLCM tool to apply those updates to your ESXi 7 vSphere cluster. The new…
Easy Windows Server Just In Time Administration JIT
One of the core pillars of good security with Windows Server is role-based access and least privilege access to resources in your environment. One of the newer buzzwords with security related to your Windows Server environment is called Just in…
vSphere 7
What is vSphere Lifecycle Manager vLCM?
You may have noticed that one of the major new features with the VMware vSphere 7 release was the vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM). It is a great new tool that provides a new declarative model in keeping your hosts in…
Backup Software
NAKIVO Backup and Replication v10 Beta Released New Features
NAKIVO is back at it again with a new beta release available for download. I am not sure how they have remained so productive during a global pandemic, but they have. They keep turning out new releases and great new…
Horizon View
Install VMware Horizon 7 Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate
If you have ever used Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates, you know they are easy to use and free! The free part is the best part of the solution. Especially if you run a home lab, Let’s Encrypt provides a great…
vSphere 7
What are VMware vSphere 7 Scalable Shares in DRS?
VMware has made a lot of new improvements with the Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) in VMware vSphere 7. One of these really powerful improvements that has been made is something VMware calls Scalable Shares. The new scalable shares in the…
VMware NSX Identity Based Firewall (IDFW) Configuration in NSX-T 3.0
One of the powerful features of VMware NSX is the ability to have identity based firewalling features. This is an extremely cool feature that allows resources to be scoped not just based on traditional constructs such as VLANs and IP…