24 hours ago

    Share your Home Lab 2024 and Win a $799 Mini PC

    In an effort to motivate ones to share their home labs with the community, I will be giving away a…
    2 days ago

    Enable CPU C States for Massive Power Savings for your Home Server

    I have been deep-diving lately into helpful suggestions, configurations, and settings that help to lower the power bill in a…
    3 days ago

    PowerCLI vMotion Enable Easy Switcher Script

    Have you found yourself in the position of needing to change which vmkernel ports vMotion is enabled on? Maybe you…
    3 days ago

    Windows Admin Center (v2) Public Preview New Features, Download, and Install

    Another bit of news caught my attention in the fact that Windows Admin Center (v2) has dropped in public preview.…
    4 days ago

    Critical VMware vCenter Server Patch VMSA-2024-0019 – Upgrade Now!

    In case you haven’t seen as of yet today, VMware has released a critical patch for VMware vCenter Server, noted…
    4 days ago

    HexOS NAS Operating System Runs on TrueNAS SCALE

    There was a blurb about a new NAS operating system that caught my attention the other day. There is a…
    5 days ago

    Low Power Server with Powertop & Proxmox

    If you are like me and using mini PCs for home lab servers as your main workload servers, you are…
    1 week ago

    How to Update TerraMaster NAS TOS 6 Operating System

    If you are running a TerraMaster TOS-powered NAS device (I am now running the TerraMaster F8 SSD Plus unit), you…