Nakivo Backup and Replication 7.2 Beta Announced New Features

Yet again exciting news from Nakivo today as they made an announcement concerning the Beta release of Nakivo Backup & Replication 7.2. It looks to include many new and highly anticipated features that have been eagerly anticipated in the product. Nakivo has certainly made waves in the virtualization backup space with their very aggressive and forward thinking release cycles and features/enhancements. Recently, with the release of Nakivo Backup & Replication v7.1, we saw the introduction of the Hyper-V clusters support with the product. Again, Nakivo is teasing more features with this upcoming Beta release. Let’s take a look at Nakivo Backup and Replication 7.2 Beta Announced New Features. ย Spoiler – SQL admins will be highly interested in this release!
Nakivo Backup and Replication 7.2 Beta Announced New Features
One very highly anticipated feature of this release is the inclusion of the ability now to truncate SQL logs as well as a SQL Object Recovery tool that allows for the granular restore of SQL objects down to the table level. With application aware backups ensuring application consistency, being able to backup SQL in an application consistent state as well as truncate log files ensures that SQL stays backed up in a consistent state and logs are pruned off accordingly. Today with concerns about disaster recovery on everyone’s mind especially with new Ransomware variants on the scene, having the ability to restore objects in a granular fashion with SQL provides a powerful way to combat data loss with Microsoft SQL Server. With Microsoft SQL Server being the most popular database engine found in the enterprise environment today, having this ability provides a powerful disaster recovery mechanism.
Additionally, new enhancements to the user interface including a new calendar dashboard makes for an easy way to both visualize and schedule jobs via a familiar calendar interface. This allows you to work out job schedules directly from the calendar! Also, it helps to visually see backup duration as well. This is also integrated right into the job scheduler as well so you have access to the calendar straight from the job window.
Nakivo continues to make waves in the backup appliance space by integrating with an ever increasing list of NAS appliances, essentially turning them into very inexpensive and powerful enterprise level backup appliances. New with this release is the addition of the Asustor NAS appliance.
Finally, there has been an additional tweak to the job scheduler. You can now add multiple schedules to a single job allowing you to have different schedules for the weekdays vs weekend schedules. Before this would have required multiple jobs to accomplish. However, now adding this feature consolidates scheduling and makes each job more powerful in scope and in the ability to be customized.
Nakivo Backup & Replication v7.2 new features look very appealing for sure! We can definitely applaud Nakivo for listening to what its customers want from the product and staying on a very aggressive and powerful release cycle with real world features being added that provide tremendous benefits to both features and functionality. Check out the Beta form online where you can sign up to be notified of when the Beta version of v7.2 is released. Stay tuned!