Add Cloudflare IPs Amazon EC2 Security Group

If you are utilizing Cloudflare as your DNS/CDN provider for your website and you are utilizing an Amazon EC2 instance as your host, let’s take a quick look at the topic – how toย add cloudflare ips amazon EC2 security Group. ย You want to do this to protect your origin server from being directly accessible to the Internet. ย In this way, only cloudflare servers will be able to directly access your web host which greatly improves your security posture.
Add Cloudflare IPs Amazon EC2 Security Group
First things first, you can find the current list of cloudflare IPs via the page found here:ย
Now that we have the list of IPs that should be added to the ACL listing in our Amazon EC2 security group, let’s take a look at how to add them in. ย To see whichย security groups you are using, go to the EC2 Dashboard and then Instances. ย Right click on your EC2 instance and selectย networking >> change security groups. ย This will show you which security groups you are using by the check marks by them.
Now, after you figure out the security groups in use, you canย edit the security group. ย Go toย Network & Security >> Security Groups. ย This will display a table of the security groups that have been created.
To edit, all you do is click on the security group. ย Then the table at the bottom will have (4) tabs – Description, Inbound, Outbound, Tags. ย We are concerned with restrictedย Inbound traffic, so click theย Inbound tab and thenย Edit.
This brings up theย Edit inbound rulesย table. ย Here you can click theย Add Rule button at the bottom which makes a new row in the table for your configuration. ย Make sure you specifyย HTTP for theย Type andย Custom IPย for theย Source. ย Then you simply add the Cloudflare IP addresses. ย You can then remove theย Any Source andยย which will restrict any web traffic except that coming from Cloudflare.
Final thoughts
Hopefully the above information will help any who might be struggling with how to add Cloudflare IPs to Amazon EC2 security groups. ย The process is fairly straightforward and the main challenge is finding where to add the IPs and how to see which security groups are in use. ย Hopefully, this post makes thatย a bit clearer.
These IPs change over time. Is there a good way to automate a script to do this?